
Thanking Allah for 30 Years of Scholarships

By Na’imah ‘Ubaydah-Saleem As folks arrived at Al-Nur Cultural Center in Greenville, NC; they quickly enjoyed over 80 acres of beautiful scenery, gardens and the utter beauty of bountiful farmland stretching as far as the eyes could see. Alhamdulillah for such a beautiful creation! Dedicated supporters represented cities from all across North Carolina with representatives …

Thanking Allah for 30 Years of Scholarships Read More »

Muslims Building Bridges of Interfaith Among the Community

The Imam engaged people asking their faith and quoted many verses from both the Old Testament and The New Testament, the books revered by Jews and Christians.

“My mission today is – if I would be allowed by divine permission – to show you that the concept of Islam and the prophet hood of Muhammad are very much biblical”

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