By Sakinah & Kamal Abdel-Rafi and Naomi Shakir Feaste
Members of As- Salaam Islamic Center (ASIC) Project T.E.A.M. realized the long awaited visit of Imam Siraj Wahhaj to the capital city of Raleigh, NC. With energized spirits, the community completed a successful fund-raising event on April 10th to 11th in order to establish a new masjid in Southeast Raleigh.
On Friday, April 10th, Imam Wahhaj delivered an inspiring kutbah with the theme: “The Reality of Paradise and Hellfire”. That evening, he presented a lecture at Apex Mosque to a diverse group of nearly 500 attendees.
On Saturday, April 11th, Project T.E.A.M. Members hosted Imam Wahhaj at the Hyatt Place Raleigh West/RBC Center. By Allah’s grace, so many people arrived that hosts and hostesses struggled to find available seats. After greetings and introductions, a brief historical overview of Islam in NC from 1960s to now was presented. Imam Oliver Muhammad, Resident Imam of As Salaam Islamic Center, then introduced Imam Siraj Wahhaj as the special guest.
First, Imam Siraj Wahhaj challenged the audience to consider what they wanted Islam in Raleigh, North Carolina and America to be and how it would be represented. He then expressed, “What are we doing here in NC? In America? What kind of contribution should we make?” Contending that Muslims around the world are waiting on Muslims in America, he stated, “When we get ourselves together, other Muslims around the world will get themselves together.” He discussed the fact that, as Muslim African Americans, we have struggled through slavery, Jim Crow, and institutional racism. So, given the state of today’s world, Imam Siraj Wahhaj challenged guests to consider this point, “If you put the man together the world will automatically come together.”
Attendees listened intently to the Imam’s call to action and finally, the request was made for guests to give generously to this effort. At the end of the night, several guests huddled around the reception desk to make good on their pledges; others stopped to take in the exhibition ‘Muslims’ Contributions to America’. Alhamdulillah, the goal of $100,000 was met! Project TEAM vowed not to stop the momentum of this great weekend!
Project T.E.A.M. extends its sincere thanks and invites you to visit its fund-raising site to learn more by searching “As Salaam Islamic Center at You may also contribute at As Salaam Islamic Center’s web site: