Accepting Islam Across the Generations

The Story of How a Grandfather and His Grandson Found the Way and the Truth in Islam

A personal account by David Cavall

I remember the first time my then 18 year old grandson Casey began a discussion with me about Islam and all it represented. He had been reading articles online as well as listening to talks by Ahmed Deedat and other speakers he called “reverts.” I was initially perplexed by his interest in Islam. Although raised as a Christian, Casey had shown little interest in any religious issues and rarely ever discussed anything about that subject with me. In speaking with him, I soon found that he had done a lot of thinking and research about Islam, and more specifically, the Qur’an. Our discussions quickly went from what he had learned to his questions directed to me about the basis of my Christian faith. Questions like: “Why are there so many different versions of the Bible?” “Why are there so many differing views (doctrines) held by Christians and why are there close to 43,000 different Christian denominations in the world today?” I should add that the majority of these thousands of denominations hold to differing beliefs as to what the Holy Bible teaches. They may agree on most things but there are many issues where they don’t. Casey’s questions were ones that I had often considered over the years but really couldn’t give an answer to. I had always been taught to refer to this verse from The Book of Hebrews when I came across passages in the Bible that didn’t make sense, it reads: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Perhaps one of the big things that got me to look deeply into Islam was the teaching that there is but One God, not a Trinity as taught in most Christian denominations. The Trinity doctrine says that there are three parts to God, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That teaching was always troubling to me; I found it most difficult to accept. After all, Genesis the first book of the Bible tells us that God, one God, created the world. Yet another troubling Christian doctrine was that of Original Sin. This means that all humans are born into sin because our first parents (Adam and Eve) sinned. I soon learned that Islam correctly denies this.

I began listening to Ahmed Deedat and other teachers online. I was challenged to view things in a different light. As I grew in knowledge I was impressed by several things: one was how the Qur’an came into being, that unlike the Bible, there was no uncertainty as to the author. There were also no varying versions of the Qur’an. In addition, the God portrayed in the Bible often did things that you wouldn’t think God would do, this was not the way it is in the Qur’an.

It then was my good fortunate to come across Mohamed Haroon Sait through the Carolina Muslims website. He was kind and generous, sending me a Qur’an as well as various reading materials. Casey and I studied them. I learned about the 5 Pillars of Islam and was very impressed by them as they are instruction on how to live a life that is fulfilling and pleasing to Allah. I thought to myself: scriptures that are authentic and inspired by God, a faith that is observed and practiced each and every day rather than just once on a weekend; this was something I wanted to be a part of.

It was our good fortune that Casey and I were invited by Haroon to visit Charlotte to meet with him and other Muslims. I will never forget the hospitality and how warmly we were greeted.  It was on a Friday afternoon that we had lunch and talked; Casey and I had the opportunity to learn about our hosts as they learned about us and all of our questions were answered. Everyone had a genuine concern and interest in what we had to say and ask.

It was sometime later that day that Casey and I decided we wanted to become Muslims and take Shahada and it was decided that we would do so that evening at Masjid Mustafa. It was an evening that I will never forget; when you consider it, what event is more important than when you commit your life and being to God?

My grandson and I will forever be grateful to Brother Mohamed Haroon and all he has done for us. Additionally, I cannot forget the Brothers and Sisters of Charlotte and their ongoing love and kindness. While I cannot deny that our family and other individuals close to Casey and myself do not understand our faith; it is our hope that we can influence others by the way we live so they will see the beauty and truth of Islam.

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