
Imam Q & A – Inheritance

QUESTION: Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) commanded us that we (the ummah) should not die without a will so as to prevent fighting over inheritance. Why then, did he not leaven a will to state clearly who would take over leadership of the Muslims to prevent the infighting that started upon his death?

Islam and Liberty

The preservation of liberty in Islamic history is a vast topic beyond the scope of this analysis. But suffice it to say that these liberties were guaranteed by the teachings of the Islamic religion itself. This is in stark contrast to how the concept of liberty and freedom developed in western civilization.

Fatwa Regarding Islamic Home Financing for Muslim Americans

In September of this year the AMJA Fiqh Committee Resident Fatwa Committee met in order to provide a resolution for Muslim Americans with relation to the issue of Islamic home financing. Following this meeting, the subsequent Fatwa was corresponded with the companies listed in order to clarify with issues regarding Shariah compliance. Sheikh Jamaal Zarabozo also participated in this meeting as it endeavored to answer the questions of truly Shariah compliant lending.

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