The Growth of ICC South Charlotte

By Duston Barto

What started in the late 1990s as a satellite prayer facility for people too far south to drive to ICC for every prayer has evolved into a fully self-sufficient Masjid. The growth of ICC South Charlotte is typical of many mosques which pop up in suburbs around major cities across the United States. However, ICC South Charlotte boasts a more diverse mix than many.While all of those attending are Sunni, they do represent all the various schools of thought. People who were raised or have studied the schools of Maliki, Hanafi, Hanbali and Shaafi all gather under the guidance of Imam Abddahir Al- Azham. Sheikh Abddahir has the challenge of expressing the various interpretations on certain issues while giving guidance that is universal.

Front of ICC South Charlotte with Bricks
Construction of the outer wall of ICC South Charlotte finished shortly before certificate of occupancy was given.

In nearly every masjid I have visited across America, the majority ethnicity of the community is reflected in the Imam, this is not the case at ICC South Charlotte. Although the Imam is Somali, the community is incredibly diverse with nearly every Muslim- Majority region well represented in ethnic background. It may be in this diversity that the community has found a niche of strength.

In 2005 this diverse group of Muslims began fundraising for the construction of a masjid and, eventually, a school. With a major push throughout 2006 they were able to start construction and continue struggling each stage along the way.

Alhamdulillah, in the last 10 days of Ramadan this year they finally received the certificate of occupancy for the new Masjid building which allowed them to hold a dinner in celebration and have taraweeh prayers to inaugurate the new location properly!

The new building boasts a large 1500 square foot area which provides the community with an ample prayer space for the 300+ worshipers who come every Jummuah. In addition to prayer space, the facility has a gymnasium, a smaller private gym and classrooms. Currently they hold weekend Islamic school for the kids and plans are already in the works for a full time Islamic School.

This community is a wonderful example of what can be done when people of diverse backgrounds with a united focus in Islam can achieve. In only 20 years the community evolved from praying in each other’s homes to the construction of a massive building that will function as a masjid, school, community center, and most importantly; as a beacon for the light of Islam to shine in south Charlotte!

ICCSC is located at 1048 Gant Rd, Fort Mill, SC. For more information, visit their website or find them on Facebook. Donations to the building fund can be made via the Paypal link on their website.

The Growth of ICC South Charlotte
Artist’s representation of ICC South Charlotte at the final stage of construction

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